Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pick the Right Weight Loss Plan for You

Different plans address different problems.  If you’re a junk food junkie, South Beach might be great, because it forces you to cook a bunch of fresh foods.  If you’re a carb addict, Atkins would force you to let that go for a while.  If you’re too busy to prepare food, a meal replacement plan could be your friend.  If you’re any sort of an emotional/stress/compulsive/bored eater, Medifast is great because everything is limited, even celery—there is nothing whatsoever that you’re allowed to binge on.
There are countless diets available.  I got lucky when I chose Medifast.  My selection process went like this:  I’ve done South Beach and loved it, but I’m too busy to cook that much. What else is out there?  Oh, I have a friend who’s lost about a hundred pounds, ask her what she did.  Medifast?  Oh look, packets!  Neat.  Sign me up.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Handling the Weight-Loss Sabotaging Partner

Your partner (or parents, housemates, siblings, children, friends) says they love you.  Most of the time, you even believe those words when they come out of their mouth.  But then you go on a diet.  You’re working harder than you’ve ever worked on anything in your life.  You’re committed.  You are making changes happen.
They bring home donuts and fried chicken.
You come home and your favorite junk foods are laid out to tempt you.  Or they order a pizza to “celebrate your diet success.”  Really?  To celebrate my staying on my diet you want to make me walk the plank into a giant tub of full-fat ice cream?  Awww, thanks for thinking of me, I love you too!