Wednesday, September 28, 2011

When People Won't Shut Up

If you lose a lot of weight, there will be a prolonged period of time where every conversation you have with anyone starts with a discussion of your body.
Let that sink in for a minute.  Every conversation.  Your body. 
If you’ve got any urge to hide, inner shyness, shame about your weight, or sense of privacy, this is going to suck pretty quickly.  Yes, compliments are great.  Yes, some of us really adore them.  But even for the attention whores among us, it can get old in time.  (Right before it starts to taper off and you miss it like a junkie in withdrawal.)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What Clothes to Buy While Losing

You are going to need a totally different shopping strategy for the losing process than how you shop when at a stable weight.  Basically, when you’re on the way down, clothes are disposable, temporary friends.  They’re only going to be with you for a short while, so don’t invest and don’t get attached.  You can view the local Goodwill as a lending library if that helps.
The first thing you need to learn is that you no longer have to buy something just because it fits. This becomes more and more true the smaller you get (up to a point, of course—if you go down to a size zero you’re going to have trouble finding things that fit you again.)
Seriously.  Sit with this for a moment.  You no longer have to buy something just because it fits.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Please Give Me Your Input!

Well. I just finished the book.  I have a couple late additions/tweaks to incorporate, and then it'll be published both to Kindle and print.  I'll also probably do a Nook version.

For those of you who have been reading along (thank you so much!!!!), is there anything you'd like to see more of, or don't like as it is?  Chapter 12 is on reentry and maintaining for life, and you haven't seen that one yet.  Anything else I can add before I wrap up the first edition?